Summer 2024
President’s Report, By Scott Sears
Hello fellow Trappers and members, due to this past winter’s conditions, I hope everyone had a successful trapping season and were able to receive some decent increases in their fur prices.
The OFMF executive has had meetings with MNRF Regional Staff, Wildlife Policy and Minister staff in January over trapline allocation and vacant traplines. We also had a meeting with the Minister in March regarding trapline allocation, vacant and inactive traplines, converting trapline cabins to recreational cabins and changes to the RCR. We are hoping the changes to the RCR are coming soon – it’s the change to the deer stop that we are working on.
The OFMF Executive has also been in meetings with MECP over the wolf management plan in the caribou areas. The OFMF has full support over this with First Nations around the Pukaskawa Park.
Lauren, Ray and I attended Fur Day on the Hill in Ottawa in February with FIC. The FIC had 28 meetings with multiple MP’s. The reception at the end of the day was well attended with lots of support towards the fur industry.
I hope everyone has a great summer and I hope to see you at the OFMF AGM in Orillia.
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